Birth Name: Mary Elizabeth Spacek
Place of Birth: Quitman, Texas, U.S.A
Date of Birth: December 25, 1949
Eye Color: Blue/Green
Hair Type/Color: Light red/Strawberry blonde
Ethnicity: English, Irish, Moravian (Czech), German
Family info: Spacek’s paternal grandfather, Arnold Adolph Spacek, was born in Texas to a father from Bordovice, Moravia [now Czech Republic] and a mother from Neustadt, Germany. Her paternal grandmother was born to a father from Huckvaldy, Moravia [now Czech Republic] and a mother from Senince Usti, Vsetin Valley, Moravia [now Czech Republic].
This makes Spacek’s father 75% Moravian (Czech) and 25% German.
Spacek’s mother family tree consists of mostly English and Irish names.
Photo by kathclick/