Birth Name: Susan Alexandra Weaver
Place of Birth: Manhattan, New York City, U.S.
Date of Birth: October 8, 1949
Eye Color: Light brown/hazel
Hair Type/Color: Reddish brown
Ethnicity: English, Scottish, Dutch
Sigourney Weaver is an American actress. She is the daughter of NBC executive Sylvester Barnabee Weaver and actress Elizabeth Inglis (born Desiree Mary Lucy Hawkins).
Sigourney’s father was American, and had English, as well as a smaller amount of Scottish and Dutch, ancestry. Sigourney’s mother was English.
Sigourney’s paternal grandparents were Sylvester Laflin Weaver (the son of Francis Milton Weaver and Jane W. Laflin) and Mabel C. Dixon.
Sigourney’s maternal grandparents were Alan George Hawkins (the son of Charles Hawkins and Ellen Goulder) and Margaret Inglis Hunt (the daughter of Edgar Atlee Hunt and Charlotte Mary Bawtree).
Genealogy of Sigourney Weaver –
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